Membership of the Charity is open to anyone over the age of 16 and is included with the Club membership or can be taken out separately if required. Full details can be found later. Members who are also Club members receive full Club benefits. Members who are solely members of the charity will receive an annual report together with the right to attend and vote at the AGM, usually held in May or June of each year. The Charity began life as the welfare arm of the Club and became a separate Registered Charity—number 1049984—in October 1995. The Charity offers financial assistance with strays in need of urgent veterinary treatment and from time to time launches special projects such as the current neutering campaign which is being funded by a grant from the National Lotteries Charity Board. Funding is mainly via the Club with the proceeds from the Club stall at various cat shows, our own Show each year, membership, donations and the occasional sponsored event or raffle. Donations of money or offers of help are always appreciated, no matter how small, and donations can be made to our main address with cheques or Postal Orders being made payable to SRPCC Cat Welfare Trust.
STOP PRESS! You can now also make a credit or debit card donation via Paypal. This does, however, incur a charge which we will have to pay so any donation made will be reduced by the time it reaches us. The fee is 3.4% & 20p (ie, if you donate £5.00 we will actually receive about £4.60, or £9.50 for a £10 donation). If you would like to donate in this way please click on the button below.
Over 200 cats were helped during our last neutering campaign. |
Sometimes our help can mean the difference between an injured stray cat surviving or being put to sleep. |
We only operate in the UK but if you need help and are based in the USA this site may be able to help. |